Wikapedia says that the 15th BS(L) when it was sent to North Africa became part of the Bombardment Training Squadron where the pilots and crew trained others. Not is sadly not true, te pilots and crew were sent home to the states at the end of January,1942 and the ground crew floated around helping the 47th BG till being assigned to the Bombardment Training Squadron where they did train others in bombardment, gunnery, etc. Most of these Cpl's and Sgt's had their bombardment and gunnery wings because till 1942 you didn't need being a officer. It caused a problem having all these NCO's having such ratings so this is where they ended up.
Also, please note they had a huge list of firsts in the Army Air Corp: 1st to England, 1st to bomb axis Europe, 1st killed in action, 1st prisoner of war (Europe) and 1st prisoner of war N. Africa too. The first DFC awarded in Europe and the first DFC awarded in Africa, I believe the first killed in England, this little of squadron of 13 aircraft dropped more tonage of bombs from November, 1942 till relieved at the end of December, 1942 than all other Army Air Corp combat bombers in the region. Yet no unit citation because they did not belong to a group. This is not right and the men of that unit felt that way over the years.
please have some one respond who wants to know more about this fantastic squadron.
Also, please note they had a huge list of firsts in the Army Air Corp: 1st to England, 1st to bomb axis Europe, 1st killed in action, 1st prisoner of war (Europe) and 1st prisoner of war N. Africa too. The first DFC awarded in Europe and the first DFC awarded in Africa, I believe the first killed in England, this little of squadron of 13 aircraft dropped more tonage of bombs from November, 1942 till relieved at the end of December, 1942 than all other Army Air Corp combat bombers in the region. Yet no unit citation because they did not belong to a group. This is not right and the men of that unit felt that way over the years.
please have some one respond who wants to know more about this fantastic squadron.