René Descartes
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  Subject Replies Date
What did Descartes mean by "I think, therefore I am"? 2 10/23/2019
What was Descartes most known for? 0 1/13/2019
Who were the primary influences of Descartes? 1 10/23/2018
How can we compare skepticism in Descartes Methodic doubt and Karl popper theory of falsification? 0 7/21/2016
The role of consciousness in cartesian's methodic doubt 0 7/21/2015
How old was Rene when he died, and what was he studying at the time? 1 12/17/2014
Did Descartes believed that the views of the church should impact scientific descoveries? 0 11/13/2014
Did he believed in heliocentric unviverse? 0 11/13/2014
What is Descartes ’view on advancement learning? How is this connected to morality? 0 4/21/2014