A contraction of some more, so called because they’re meant to be so tasty you always want some more.
- A snack food made by combining graham crackers, marshmallows (frequently toasted) and chocolate, a typical camping fireside treat.
- 1990, Margaret Kenda, Cooking Wizardry for Kids http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&vid=ISBN0812044096&id=4__AP5dGTtMC&pg=PA296&lpg=PA296&sig=3ME0GbVu37wES-cekd33AC8Zo-8
- S’Mores are a traditional favorite cook-out food with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
- 2003, Sheri Joseph, Bear Me Safely Over http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&vid=ISBN0802139841&id=2aiwQk8HWskC&pg=PA160&lpg=PA160&dq=s'more+marshmallow&prev=http://books.google.com/books%3Fq%3Ds'more%2Bmarshmallow&sig=UIyrindp84WqIPKmqoEB4QBLP00
- She bit into the s’more, and the melted marshmallow goo fell over her lip, onto her chin.
- 2003, Cynthia Kaplan, Why I’m Like This http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&vid=ISBN006051261X&id=o2UpwOpz7hgC&pg=PA7&lpg=PA7&sig=Qzn1CIjbyMRnj9yCKNI-MLrFRxc
- I’d had too many s’mores.