(1) A special assignment that is given to a person or group
"A confidential mission to London"
"His charge was deliver a message"
(2) Attention and management implying responsibility for safety
"He is in the care of a bodyguard"
(3) A impetuous rush toward someone or something
"The wrestler's charge carried him past his adversary"
"The battle began with a cavalry charge"
(4) A quantity of explosive to be set off at one time
"This cartridge has a powder charge of 50 grains"
(5) Heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
(6) (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense
"He was arrested on a charge of larceny"
(7) An assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence
"The newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving"
(8) A formal statement of a command or injunction to do something
"The judge's charge to the jury"
(9) Request for payment of a debt
"They submitted their charges at the end of each month"
(10) The swift release of a store of affective force
"They got a great bang out of it"
"What a boot!"
"He got a quick rush from injecting heroin"
"He does it for kicks"
(11) (psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or object
"Freud thought of cathexis as a psychic analog of an electrical charge"
(12) A person committed to your care
"The teacher led her charges across the street"
(13) The quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons
"The battery needed a fresh charge"
(14) The price charged for some article or service
"The admission charge"
(15) Financial liabilities (such as a tax)
"The charges against the estate"
(16) Energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge
"I need to charge my car battery"
(17) Cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on
"Charge a conductor"
(18) Impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to
"He charged her with cleaning up all the files over the weekend"
(19) Blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against
"He charged thee director with indifference"
(20) Make an accusatory claim
"The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased"
(21) File a formal charge against
"The suspect was charged with murdering his wife"
(22) To make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle
"He saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork"
(23) Direct into a position for use
"Point a gun"
"He charged his weapon at me"
(24) Fill or load to capacity
"Charge the wagon with hay"
(25) Provide with munition
"He loaded his gun carefully"